• 738-742 Nostrand Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11216
  • Should you have inquiries, contact us 1-347-627-3955

Reasons to Enroll Your Child in Daycare


The learning experiences that children go through during their formative years lay the foundation for learning, and daycare provides the perfect environment for that. By enrolling your child in a childcare program, you encourage the development of various skills while providing a safe learning environment.

As a preschool in New York, we will discuss the reasons why you should consider enrolling your child in daycare:

  • Adds more structure to your child’s day
    While most toddlers may not understand the concept of time, they can learn about schedules and routines in a daycare setting. With daycare, young children participate in fun learning activities in structured periods. This encourages good behavior that parents can benefit from at home as well.
  • Encourages academic achievement
    Children who are enrolled in a daycare program in their younger years are exposed to a structured curriculum that can improve academic development. A study from the National Institute of Childhood Health and Human Development shows that kids who were placed in daycare had better language and cognitive development during their younger years.
  • Easier transition to higher levels of education
    By providing children with a valuable learning experience in daycare, they are better prepared for higher levels of education. While daycare is more laidback than traditional schooling, it introduces kids to the concept of schedules, teamwork, and engaging in learning activities with their teacher and peers.

Park Place Daycare is a reputable daycare in Brooklyn, New York. We offer several daycare programs for infants to children between the ages of 4 to 6. Reach out to us to learn more about the programs and activities we have planned for our young learners.

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